Wednesday, January 18

Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur?

   Many studies have been done in efforts to pin point what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. And many of these studies have found that entrepreneurs have certain traits in common. And one that I’ve found most insightful is an entrepreneurs ability to view a failure as opportunity.

   A “glass is half full” approach to life and business is obviously best. But when it comes to actually applying that to your personal life and business matters, it can prove quite difficult at times. But alas, in order to be a successful entrepreneur, this mentality appears to be a must have.
As Henry Ford once said:
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
The point is that learning from your mistakes enables you to never repeat them again. As well, failure proves to be a great discovery tool for what didn’t work – what can be done better.
Another recent exploration of this topic has revealed the top 3 traits of the world’s best entrepreneurs. I think everyone would agree that another valuable trait of a successful entrepreneur is the willingness to take a risk. Be it a business risk, a personal risk, a personality risk. A willingness to live with uncertainty while being truly authentic – a trait that creates trust:
“The best entrepreneurs are not afraid to be themselves. They are “characters,” whether that means they are funny or loud or shy or gay or whatever. They are who they are and are not afraid to be who they are. They have character. Values are important to them. Integrity counts.”
Character and authenticity count. As a matter of fact, combined, it’s at the top of the list. Check out the top 3 traits of the world’s best entrepreneurs. And then come back here and share with us other traits that you’ve noticed successful entrepreneurs have. We’d love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! Successful entrepreneurs like Donald Trump, Yuri Mintskovsky or Ray Kroc have in common certain traits. I think that qualities like optimism, passion, hard-work or patience helped them have success in their business and life. I really admire these smart people!
